.. _install: ============ Installation ============ There are several ways to install picraft under Python, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Have a read of the sections below and select an installation method which conforms to your needs. .. _raspbian_install: Raspbian installation ===================== If you are using the `Raspbian`_ distro, it is best to install picraft using the system's package manager: apt. This will ensure that picraft is easy to keep up to date, and easy to remove should you wish to do so. It will also make picraft available for all users on the system. To install picraft using apt simply:: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python-picraft python3-picraft To upgrade your installation when new releases are made you can simply use apt's normal upgrade procedure:: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade If you ever need to remove your installation:: $ sudo apt-get remove python-picraft python3-picraft .. _Raspbian: http://www.raspbian.org/ .. _ubuntu_install: Ubuntu installation =================== If you are using `Ubuntu`_, it is best to install picraft from the author's PPA. This will ensure that picraft is easy to keep up to date, and easy to remove should you wish to do so. It will also make picraft available for all users on the system. To install picraft from the PPA:: $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:waveform/ppa $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install python-picraft python3-picraft To upgrade your installation when new releases are made you can simply use apt's normal upgrade procedure:: $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get upgrade If you ever need to remove your installation:: $ sudo apt-get remove python-picraft python3-picraft .. _Ubuntu: http://ubuntu.com .. _PPA: https://launchpad.net/~waveform/+archive/ubuntu/ppa .. _windows_install: Windows installation ==================== The following assumes you're using a recent version of Python (like 3.5) which comes with pip, and that you checked the option to "adjust PATH" when installing Python. Start a command window by pressing :kbd:`Win-R` and entering "cmd". At the command prompt enter:: C:\Users\Dave> pip install picraft To upgrade your installation when new releases are made:: C:\Users\Dave> pip install -U picraft If you ever need to remove your installation:: C:\Users\Dave> pip uninstall picraft .. _dev_install: Development installation ======================== If you wish to develop picraft itself, it is easiest to obtain the source by cloning the GitHub repository and then use the "develop" target of the Makefile which will install the package as a link to the cloned repository allowing in-place development (it also builds a tags file for use with vim/emacs with Exuberant's ctags utility). The following example (which assumes a UNIX-like environment like Ubuntu or Raspbian) demonstrates this method within a virtual Python environment:: $ sudo apt-get install build-essential git git-core exuberant-ctags \ python-virtualenv $ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 sandbox $ source sandbox/bin/activate (sandbox) $ git clone https://github.com/waveform80/picraft.git (sandbox) $ cd picraft (sandbox) $ make develop To pull the latest changes from git into your clone and update your installation:: $ source sandbox/bin/activate (sandbox) $ cd picraft (sandbox) $ git pull (sandbox) $ make develop To remove your installation blow away the sandbox and the clone:: $ rm -fr ~/sandbox/ ~/picraft/ Even if you don't feel up to hacking on the code, I'd love to hear suggestions from people of what you'd like the API to look like (even if the code itself isn't particularly pythonic, the interface should be)! .. _test_suite: Test suite ========== If you wish to run the picraft test suite, follow the instructions in :ref:`dev_install` above and then execute the following command:: (sandbox) $ make test