16. The Minecraft network protocol

This chapter contains details of the network protocol used by the library to communicate with the Minecraft game. Although this is primarily intended to inform future developers of this (or other) libraries, it may prove interesting reading for users to understand some of the decisions in the design of the library.

16.1. Specification

16.1.1. Requirements

The keywords “MUST”, “MUST NOT”, “REQUIRED”, “SHALL”, “SHALL NOT”, “SHOULD”, “SHOULD NOT”, “RECOMMENDED”, “MAY”, and “OPTIONAL” in this section are to be interpreted as defined in RFC 2119.

16.1.2. Overall Operation

The Minecraft protocol is a text-based “interactive” line oriented protocol. All communication is initiated by the client and consists of single lines of text which MAY generate a single line of text in response. Lines MUST terminate with ASCII character 10 (line feed, usually shortened to LF or \n).

Protocol implementations MUST use the ASCII encoding (non-ASCII characters are not ignored, or an error, but their effect is undefined).

A Minecraft network session begins by connecting a TCP stream socket to the server, which defaults to listening on port 4711. Protocol implementations SHOULD disable Nagle’s algorithm (TCP_NODELAY) on the socket as the protocol is effectively interactive and relies on many small packets. No “hello” message is transmitted by the client, and no “banner” message is sent by the server. A Minecraft session ends simply by disconnecting the socket.

Commands and responses MUST consist of a single line. The typical form of a command, described in the augmented Backus-Naur Form (ABNF) defined by RFC 5234 is as follows:

command = command-name "(" [ option *( "," option ) ] ")" LF

command-name = 1*ALPHA "." 1*ALPHA [ "." 1*ALPHA ]
option = int-val / float-val / str-val

bool-val = "0" / "1"
int-val = 1*DIGIT
float-val = 1*DIGIT [ "." 1*DIGIT ]
str-val = *CHAR


Note that the ABNF specified by RFC 5234 does not provide for implicit specification of linear white space. In other words, unless whitespace is explicitly specified in ABNF constructions, it is not permitted by the specification.

The typical form of a response (if one is given) is as follows:

response = ( success-response / fail-response ) LF

success-response = int-vector / float-vector
fail-response = "Fail"

int-vector = int-val "," int-val "," int-val
float-vector = float-val "," float-val "," float-val

The general character classes utilised in the ABNF definitions above are as follows:

ALPHA = %x41-5A / %x61-7A ; A-Z / a-z
DIGIT = %x30-39           ; 0-9
CHAR = %x01-09 / %x0B-FF  ; any character except LF
SP = %x20                 ; space
LF = %x0A                 ; line-feed

16.1.3. Client Notes

Successful commands either make no response, or provide a single line of data as a response. Unsuccessful commands either make no response, or provide a single line response containing the string “Fail” (without the quotation marks). The lack of positive (and sometimes negative) acknowledgements provides a conundrum for client implementations: how long to wait before deciding that a command has succeeded? If “Fail” is returned, the client can immediately conclude the preceding command failed. However, if nothing is returned, the client must decide whether the command succeeded, or whether the network or server is simply being slow in responding.

The longer the client waits, the more likely it is to correctly report failed operations (in the case of slow systems). However, the longer the wait, the slower the response time (and performance) of the client.

The official reference implementation simply ignores errors in commands that produce no response (providing the best performance, but the least safety). The picraft implementation provides a configurable timeout (including the ability to ignore errors like the reference implementation).

Clients MAY either ignore errors (as the official API does) or implement some form or timeout to determine when operations are successful (as in this API by default).

16.1.4. Specific Commands

The following sections define the specific commands supported by the protocol.

16.1.5. camera.mode.setFixed


camera-fixed-command = "camera.mode.setFixed()" LF

The camera.mode.setFixed command fixes the camera’s position at the current location. The camera’s location can subsequently be updated with the camera.setPos command but will not move otherwise. The camera’s orientation is fixed facing down (parallel to a vector along Y=-1).

16.1.6. camera.mode.setFollow


camera-follow-command = "camera.mode.setFollow(" [int] ")" LF

The camera.mode.setFollow command fixes the camera’s position vertically above the player with the specified ID (if the optional integer is specified) or above the host player (if no integer is given). The camera’s position will follow the specified player’s position, but the orientation will be fixed facing down (parallel to a vector along Y=-1).

16.1.7. camera.mode.setNormal


camera-normal-command = "camera.mode.setNormal(" [int] ")" LF

The camera.mode.setNormal command aligns the camera’s position with the “head” of the player with the specified ID (if the optional integer is specified) or the host player (if no integer is given). The camera’s position and orientation will subsequently track the player’s head.

16.1.8. camera.setPos


camera-set-pos-command = "camera.mode.setPos(" float-vector ")" LF

When the camera position has been fixed with camera.mode.setFixed(), this command can be used to alter the position of the camera. The orientation of the camera will, however, remain fixed (parallel to a vector along Y=-1).

16.1.9. chat.post


world-chat-command = "chat.post(" str-val ")" LF

The chat.post command causes the server to echo the message provided as the only parameter to the in-game chat console. The message MUST NOT contain the LF character, but other control characters are (currently) permitted.

16.1.10. entity.getPos


entity-get-pos-command = "entity.getPos(" int-val ")" LF
entity-get-pos-response = player-get-pos-response

The entity.getPos command performs the same action as the player.getPos command for the player with the ID given by the sole parameter; refer to player.getPos for full details.

16.1.11. entity.getTile


entity-get-tile-command = "entity.getTile(" int-val ")" LF
entity-get-tile-command = player-get-tile-response

The entity.getTile command performs the same action as the player.getTile command for the player with the ID given by the sole parameter; refer to player.getTile for full details.

16.1.12. entity.setPos


entity-set-pos-command = "entity.setPos(" int-val "," float-vector ")" LF

The entity.setPos command performs the same action as the player.setPos command for the player with the ID given by the first parameter. The second parameter is equivalent to the first parameter for player.setPos; refer to that command for full details.

16.1.13. entity.setTile


entity-set-tile-command = "entity.setTile(" int-val "," int-vector ")" LF

The entity.setTile command performs the same action as the player.setTile command for the player with the ID given by the first parameter. The second parameter is equivalent to the first parameter for player.setTile; refer to that command for full details.

16.1.14. player.getPos


player-get-pos-command = "player.getPos()" LF
player-get-pos-response = float-vector LF

The player.getPos command returns the current location of the host player in the game world as an X, Y, Z vector of floating point values. The coordinates 0, 0, 0 represent the spawn point within the world.

16.1.15. player.getTile


player-get-tile-command = "player.getTile()" LF
player-get-tile-response = int-vector LF

The player.getTile command returns the current location of the host player in the game world, to the nearest block coordinates, as an X, Y, Z vector of integer values.

16.1.16. player.setPos


player-set-pos-command = "player.setPos(" float-vector ")" LF

The player.setPos command teleports the host player to the specified location in the game world. The floating point values given are the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the player’s new position respectively.

16.1.17. player.setTile


player-set-tile-command = "player.setTile(" int-vector ")" LF

The player.setTile command teleports the host player to the specified location in the game world. The integer values given are the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the player’s new position respectively.

16.1.18. player.setting


player-setting-command = "player.setting(" str-val "," bool-val ")" LF

The player.setting command alters a property of the host player. The property to alter is given as the str-val (note: this is unquoted) and the new value is given as the bool-val (where 0 means “off” and 1 means “on”). Valid properties are:

  • autojump - when enabled, causes the player to automatically jump onto blocks that they run into.

16.1.19. world.checkpoint.restore


world-restore-command = "world.checkpoint.restore()" LF

The world.checkpoint.restore command restores the state of the world (i.e. the id and data of all blocks in the world) from a prior saved state (created by the world.checkpoint.save command). If no prior state exists, nothing is restored but no error is reported. Restoring a state does not wipe it; thus a saved state can be restored multiple times.

16.1.20. world.checkpoint.save


world-save-command = "world.checkpoint.save()" LF

The world.checkpoint.save command can be used to save the current state of the world (i.e. the id and data of all blocks in the world, but not the position or orientation of player entities). Only one state is stored at any given time; any save overwrites any existing state.

The state of the world can be restored with a subsequent world.checkpoint.restore command.

16.1.21. world.getBlock


world-get-block-command = "world.getBlock(" int-vector ")" LF
world-get-block-response = int-val LF

The world.getBlock command can be used to retrieve the current type of a block within the world. The result consists of an integer representing the block type.

See Data Values (Pocket Edition) for a list of block types.

16.1.22. world.getBlockWithData


world-get-blockdata-command = "world.getBlockWithData(" int-vector ")" LF
world-get-blockdata-response = int-val "," int-val LF

The world.getBlockWithData command can be used to retrieve the current type and associated data of a block within the world. The result consists of two comma-separated integers which represent the block type and the associated data respectively.

See Data Values (Pocket Edition) for further information.

16.1.23. world.getHeight


world-get-height-command = "world.getHeight(" int-val "," int-val ")" LF
world-get-height-response = int-val LF

In response to the world.getHeight command the server calculates the Y coordinate of the first non-air block for the given X and Z coordinates (first and second parameter respectively) from the top of the world, and returns this as the result.

16.1.24. world.getPlayerIds


world-enum-players-command = "world.getPlayerIds()" LF
world-enum-players-response = [ int-val *( "|" int-val ) LF ]

The world.getPlayerIds command causes the server to a return a pipe (|) separated list of the integer player IDs of all players currently connected to the server. These player IDs can subsequently be used in the commands qualified with entity.

16.1.25. world.setBlock


world-set-block-command = "world.setBlock(" int-vector "," int-val [ "," int-val ] ")" LF

The world.setBlock command can be used to alter the type and associated data of a block within the world. The first three integer values provide the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the block to alter. The fourth integer value provides the new type of the block. The optional fifth integer value provides the associated data of the block.

See Data Values (Pocket Edition) for further information.

16.1.26. world.setBlocks


world-set-blocks-command = "world.setBlock(" int-vector "," int-vector "," int-val [ "," int-val ] ")" LF

The world.setBlocks command can be used to alter the type and associated data of a range of blocks within the world. The first three integer values provide the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the start of the range to alter. The next three integer values provide the X, Y, and Z coordinates of the end of the range to alter.

The seventh integer value provides the new type of the block. The optional eighth integer value provides the associated data of the block.

See Data Values (Pocket Edition) for further information.

16.1.27. world.setting


world-setting-command = "world.setting(" str-val "," bool-val ")" LF

The world.setting command is used to alter global aspects of the world. The setting to be altered is named by the first parameter (the setting name MUST NOT be surrounded by quotation marks), while the boolean value (the only type currently supported) is specified as the second parameter. The settings supported by the Minecraft Pi engine are:

  • world_immutable - This controls whether or the player can alter the world (by placing or destroying blocks)
  • nametags_visible - This controls whether the nametags of other players are visible

16.2. Critique

The Minecraft protocol is a text-based “interactive” line oriented protocol. By this, I mean that a single connection is opened from the client to the server and all commands and responses are transmitted over this connection. The completion of a command does not close the connection.

Despite text protocols being relatively inefficient compared to binary (non-human readable) protocols, a text-based protocol is an excellent choice in this case: the protocol isn’t performance critical and besides, this makes it extremely easy to experiment with and debug using nothing more than a standard telnet client.

Unfortunately, this is where the good news ends. The following is a telnet session in which I experimented with various possibilities to see how “liberal” the server was in interpreting commands:

chat.post (foo)
chat.post(foo) bar baz
chat.post foo
  • The first attempt (chat.post(foo)) succeeds and prints “foo” in the chat console within the game.
  • The second, third and fourth attempts (Chat.post(foo), chat.Post(foo), and chat.post (foo)) all fail silently.
  • The fifth attempt (chat.post(foo))) succeeds and prints “foo)” in the chat console within the game (this immediately raised my suspicions that the server is simply using regex matching instead of a proper parser).
  • The sixth attempt (chat.post(foo,bar)) succeeds, and prints “foo,bar” in the chat console.
  • The seventh attempt (chat.post(foo) bar baz) succeeds, and prints “foo” in the console.
  • The eighth and final attempt (chat.post foo) also fails and actually elicits a “Fail” response from the server.

What can we conclude from the above? If one were being generous, we might conclude that the ignoring of trailing junk (bar baz in the final example) is an effort at conforming with Postel’s Law. However, the fact that command name matching is done case insensitively, and that spaces leading the parenthesized arguments cause failure would indicate it’s more likely an oversight in the (probably rather crude) command parser.

A more serious issue is that in certain cases positive acknowledgement, and even negative acknowledgement, are lacking from the protocol. This is a major oversight as it means a client has no reliable means of deciding when a command has succeeded or failed:

  • If the client receives “Fail” in response to a command, it can immediately conclude the command has failed (and presumably raise some sort of exception in response).
  • If nothing is received, the command may have succeeded.
  • Alternatively, if nothing is received, the command may have failed (see the silent failures above).
  • Finally, if nothing is received, the server or intervening network may simply be running slowly and the client should wait a bit longer for a response.

So, after sending a command a client needs to wait a certain period of time before deciding that a command has succeeded or failed. How long? This is impossible to decide given that it depends on the state of the remote system and intervening network.

The longer a client waits, the more likely it is to correctly notice failures in the event of slow systems/networks. However, the longer a client waits the longer it will be before another command can be sent (given that responses are not tied to commands by something like a sequence number), resulting in poorer performance.

The official reference implementation of the client (mcpi) doesn’t wait at all and simply assumes that all commands which don’t normally provide a response succeed. The picraft implementation provides a configurable timeout, or the option to ignore errors like the reference implementation (the default is to wait 0.2s in order to err on the side of safety).

What happens with unknown commands? Let’s try another telnet session to find out:


It appears that anything without parentheses is rejected as invalid, but anything with parentheses is accepted (even though it does nothing ... is that an error? I’ve no idea!).

What happens when we play with commands which accept numbers?

player.setPos(   0.5,60,-60)
player.setPos(0.5   ,60,-60)
player.setPos(0.5,60,-60   foo
player.setPos(0.5  foo,60,-60)

In each case above, if nothing was returned, the command succeeded (albeit with interesting results in the case of NaN and inf values). So, we can conclude the following:

  • The server doesn’t seem to care if we use floating point literals, decimal integer literals, hex literals, exponent format, or silly amounts of decimals. This suggests to me it’s just splitting the options on ”,” and throwing each resulting string at some generic str2num routine.
  • Backing up the assumption that some generic str2num routine is being used, the server also accepts “NaN” and “inf” values as numbers (albeit with silly results).
  • Leading spaces in options are fine, but trailing ones result in failure.
  • Unless it’s the last option in which case anything goes.
  • Including the trailing parenthesis, apparently.

As we’ve seen above, the error reporting provided by the protocol is beyond minimal. The most we ever get is the message “Fail” which doesn’t tell us whether it’s a client side or server side error, a syntax error, an unknown command, or anything else. In several cases, we don’t even get “Fail” despite nothing occurring on the server.

In conclusion, this is not a well thought out protocol, nor a terribly well implemented server.

16.2.1. A plea to the developers

I would dearly like to see this situation improved and be able to remove this section from the docs! To that end, I would be more than happy to discuss (backwards compatible) improvements in the protocol with the developers. It shouldn’t be terribly hard to come up with something similarly structured (text-based, line-oriented), which doesn’t break existing clients, but permits future clients to operate more reliably without sacrificing (much) performance.