Source code for

# vim: set et sw=4 sts=4 fileencoding=utf-8:
# An alternate Python Minecraft library for the Rasperry-Pi
# Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Dave Jones <>
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#       documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#     * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the
#       names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
#       derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

The events module defines the :class:`Events` class, which provides methods for
querying events in the Minecraft world, and the :class:`BlockHitEvent`,
:class:`PlayerPosEvent`, :class:`ChatPostEvent`, and :class:`IdleEvent` classes
which represent the various event types.

.. note::

    All items in this module are available from the :mod:`picraft` namespace
    without having to import :mod:`` directly.

The following items are defined in the module:


.. autoclass:: Events


.. autoclass:: BlockHitEvent(pos, face, player)


.. autoclass:: PlayerPosEvent(old_pos, new_pos, player)


.. autoclass:: ChatPostEvent(message, player)


.. autoclass:: IdleEvent()

from __future__ import (
str = type('')

import logging
import threading
import time
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple, Container
from weakref import WeakSet
from functools import update_wrapper
from types import FunctionType

from .exc import ConnectionClosed, NoHandlersWarning
from .vector import Vector
from .player import Player

logger = logging.getLogger('picraft')

[docs]class BlockHitEvent(namedtuple('BlockHitEvent', ('pos', 'face', 'player'))): """ Event representing a block being hit by a player. This tuple derivative represents the event resulting from a player striking a block with their sword in the Minecraft world. Users will not normally need to construct instances of this class, rather they are constructed and returned by calls to :meth:`~Events.poll`. .. note:: Please note that the block hit event only registers when the player *right clicks* with the sword. For some reason, left clicks do not count. .. attribute:: pos A :class:`~picraft.vector.Vector` indicating the position of the block which was struck. .. attribute:: face A string indicating which side of the block was struck. This can be one of six values: 'x+', 'x-', 'y+', 'y-', 'z+', or 'z-'. The value indicates the axis, and direction along that axis, that the side faces: .. image:: images/block_faces.* .. attribute:: player A :class:`~picraft.player.Player` instance representing the player that hit the block. """ @classmethod def from_string(cls, connection, s): v, f, p = s.rsplit(',', 2) return cls(Vector.from_string(v), { 0: 'y-', 1: 'y+', 2: 'z-', 3: 'z+', 4: 'x-', 5: 'x+', }[int(f)], Player(connection, int(p))) @property def __dict__(self): # Ensure __dict__ property works in Python 3.3 and above. return super(BlockHitEvent, self).__dict__ def __repr__(self): return '<BlockHitEvent pos=%s face=%r player=%d>' % ( self.pos, self.face, self.player.player_id)
[docs]class PlayerPosEvent(namedtuple('PlayerPosEvent', ('old_pos', 'new_pos', 'player'))): """ Event representing a player moving. This tuple derivative represents the event resulting from a player moving within the Minecraft world. Users will not normally need to construct instances of this class, rather they are constructed and returned by calls to :meth:`~Events.poll`. .. attribute:: old_pos A :class:`~picraft.vector.Vector` indicating the location of the player prior to this event. The location includes decimal places (it is not the tile-position, but the actual position). .. attribute:: new_pos A :class:`~picraft.vector.Vector` indicating the location of the player as of this event. The location includes decimal places (it is not the tile-position, but the actual position). .. attribute:: player A :class:`~picraft.player.Player` instance representing the player that moved. """ @property def __dict__(self): # Ensure __dict__ property works in Python 3.3 and above. return super(PlayerPosEvent, self).__dict__ def __repr__(self): return '<PlayerPosEvent old_pos=%s new_pos=%s player=%d>' % ( self.old_pos, self.new_pos, self.player.player_id)
[docs]class ChatPostEvent(namedtuple('ChatPostEvent', ('message', 'player'))): """ Event representing a chat post. This tuple derivative represents the event resulting from a chat message being posted in the Minecraft world. Users will not normally need to construct instances of this class, rather they are constructed and returned by calls to :meth:`~Events.poll`. .. note:: Chat events are only generated by the Raspberry Juice server, not by Minecraft Pi edition. .. attribute:: message The message that was posted to the world. .. attribute:: player A :class:`~picraft.player.Player` instance representing the player that moved. """ @classmethod def from_string(cls, connection, s): p, m = s.split(',', 1) return cls(m, Player(connection, int(p))) @property def __dict__(self): # Ensure __dict__ property works in Python 3.3 and above. return super(ChatPostEvent, self).__dict__ def __repr__(self): return '<ChatPostEvent message=%s player=%d>' % ( self.message, self.player.player_id)
[docs]class IdleEvent(namedtuple('IdleEvent', ())): """ Event that fires in the event that no other events have occurred since the last poll. This is only used if :attr:`Events.include_idle` is ``True``. """ @property def __dict__(self): # Ensure __dict__ property works in Python 3.3 and above. return super(IdleEvent, self).__dict__ def __repr__(self): return '<IdleEvent>'
[docs]class Events(object): """ This class implements the :attr:`` attribute. There are two ways of responding to picraft's events: the first is to :meth:`poll` for them manually, and process each event in the resulting list:: >>> for event in ... print(repr(event)) ... <BlockHitEvent pos=1,1,1 face="y+" player=1>, <PlayerPosEvent old_pos=0.2,1.0,0.7 new_pos=0.3,1.0,0.7 player=1> The second is to "tag" functions as event handlers with the decorators provided and then call the :meth:`main_loop` function which will handle polling the server for you, and call all the relevant functions as needed::,1,1)) def hit_block(event): print('You hit the block at %s' % event.pos) By default, only block hit events will be tracked. This is because it is the only type of event that the Minecraft server provides information about itself, and thus the only type of event that can be processed relatively efficiently. If you wish to track player positions, assign a set of player ids to the :attr:`track_players` attribute. If you wish to include idle events (which fire when nothing else is produced in response to :meth:`poll`) then set :attr:`include_idle` to ``True``. .. note:: If you are using a Raspberry Juice server, chat post events are also tracked by default. Chat post events are only supported with Raspberry Juice servers; Minecraft Pi edition doesn't support chat post events. Finally, the :attr:`poll_gap` attribute specifies how long to pause during each iteration of :meth:`main_loop` to permit event handlers some time to interact with the server. Setting this to 0 will provide the fastest response to events, but will result in event handlers having to fight with event polling for access to the server. """ def __init__(self, connection, poll_gap=0.1, include_idle=False): self._connection = connection self._handlers = [] self._handler_instances = WeakSet() self._poll_gap = poll_gap self._include_idle = include_idle self._track_players = {} def _get_poll_gap(self): return self._poll_gap def _set_poll_gap(self, value): self._poll_gap = float(value) poll_gap = property(_get_poll_gap, _set_poll_gap, doc="""\ The length of time (in seconds) to pause during :meth:`main_loop`. This property specifies the length of time to wait at the end of each iteration of :meth:`main_loop`. By default this is 0.1 seconds. The purpose of the pause is to give event handlers executing in the background time to communicate with the Minecraft server. Setting this to 0.0 will result in faster response to events, but also starves threaded event handlers of time to communicate with the server, resulting in "choppy" performance. """) def _get_track_players(self): return self._track_players.keys() def _set_track_players(self, value): try: self._track_players = { pid: Player(self._connection, pid).pos.round(1) for pid in value } except TypeError: if not isinstance(value, int): raise ValueError( 'track_players value must be a player id ' 'or a sequence of player ids') self._track_players = { value: Player(self._connection, value).pos.round(1) } if self._connection.server_version != 'raspberry-juice': # Filter out calculated directions for untracked players self._connection._directions = { pid: delta for (pid, delta) in self._connection._directions.items() if pid in self._track_players } track_players = property(_get_track_players, _set_track_players, doc="""\ The set of player ids for which movement should be tracked. By default the :meth:`poll` method will not produce player position events (:class:`PlayerPosEvent`). Producing these events requires extra interactions with the Minecraft server (one for each player tracked) which slow down response to block hit events. If you wish to track player positions, set this attribute to the set of player ids you wish to track and their positions will be stored. The next time :meth:`poll` is called it will query the positions for all specified players and fire player position events if they have changed. Given that the :attr:`` attribute represents a dictionary mapping player ids to players, if you wish to track all players you can simply do:: >>> = world.players """) def _get_include_idle(self): return self._include_idle def _set_include_idle(self, value): self._include_idle = bool(value) include_idle = property(_get_include_idle, _set_include_idle, doc="""\ If ``True``, generate an idle event when no other events would be generated by :meth:`poll`. This attribute defaults to ``False``. """)
[docs] def clear(self): """ Forget all pending events that have not yet been retrieved with :meth:`poll`. This method is used to clear the list of events that have occurred since the last call to :meth:`poll` without retrieving them. This is useful for ensuring that events subsequently retrieved definitely occurred *after* the call to :meth:`clear`. """ self._set_track_players(self._get_track_players()) self._connection.send('events.clear()')
[docs] def poll(self): """ Return a list of all events that have occurred since the last call to :meth:`poll`. For example:: >>> w = World() >>> = w.players >>> = True >>> [<PlayerPosEvent old_pos=0.2,1.0,0.7 new_pos=0.3,1.0,0.7 player=1>, <BlockHitEvent pos=1,1,1 face="x+" player=1>, <BlockHitEvent pos=1,1,1 face="x+" player=1>] >>> [<IdleEvent>] """ def player_pos_events(positions): for pid, old_pos in positions.items(): player = Player(self._connection, pid) new_pos = player.pos.round(1) if old_pos != new_pos: if self._connection.server_version != 'raspberry-juice': # Calculate directions for tracked players on platforms # which don't provide it natively self._connection._directions[pid] = new_pos - old_pos yield PlayerPosEvent(old_pos, new_pos, player) positions[pid] = new_pos def block_hit_events(): s = self._connection.transact('events.block.hits()') if s: for e in s.split('|'): yield BlockHitEvent.from_string(self._connection, e) def chat_post_events(): if self._connection.server_version == 'raspberry-juice': s = self._connection.transact('') if s: for e in s.split('|'): yield ChatPostEvent.from_string(self._connection, e) events = list(player_pos_events(self._track_players)) + list(block_hit_events()) + list(chat_post_events()) if events: return events elif self._include_idle: return [IdleEvent()] else: return []
[docs] def main_loop(self): """ Starts the event polling loop when using the decorator style of event handling (see :meth:`on_block_hit`). This method will not return, so be sure that you have specified all your event handlers before calling it. The event loop can only be broken by an unhandled exception, or by closing the world's connection (in the latter case the resulting :exc:`~picraft.exc.ConnectionClosed` exception will be suppressed as it is assumed that you want to end the script cleanly). """'Entering event loop') try: while True: self.process() time.sleep(self.poll_gap) except ConnectionClosed:'Connection closed; exiting event loop')
[docs] def process(self): """ Poll the server for events and call any relevant event handlers registered with :meth:`on_block_hit`. This method is called repeatedly the event handler loop implemented by :meth:`main_loop`; developers should only call this method when implementing their own event loop manually, or when their (presumably non-threaded) event handler is engaged in a long operation and they wish to permit events to be processed in the meantime. """ for event in self.poll(): for handler in self._handlers: if handler.matches(event): handler.execute(event)
[docs] def has_handlers(self, cls): """ Decorator for registering a class as containing picraft event handlers. If you are writing a class which contains methods that you wish to use as event handlers for picraft events, you must decorate the class with ``@has_handlers``. This will ensure that picraft tracks instances of the class and dispatches events to each instance that exists when the event occurs. For example:: from picraft import World, Block, Vector, X, Y, Z world = World() class HitMe(object): def __init__(self, pos): self.pos = pos self.been_hit = False world.blocks[self.pos] = Block('diamond_block') def was_i_hit(self, event): if event.pos == self.pos: self.been_hit = True print('Block at %s was hit' % str(self.pos)) p = world.player.tile_pos block1 = HitMe(p + 2*X) block2 = HitMe(p + 2*Z) Class-based handlers are an advanced feature and have some notable limitations. For instance, in the example above the ``on_block_hit`` handler couldn't be declared with the block's position because this was only known at instance creation time, not at class creation time (which was when the handler was registered). Furthermore, class-based handlers must be regular instance methods (those which accept the instance, self, as the first argument); they cannot be class methods or static methods. .. note:: The ``@has_handlers`` decorator takes no arguments and shouldn't be called, unlike event handler decorators. """ # Search the class for handler methods, appending the class to the # handler's list of associated classes (if you're thinking why is this # a collection, consider that a method can be associated with multiple # classes either by inheritance or direct assignment) handlers_found = 0 for item in dir(cls): item = getattr(cls, item, None) if item: # PY2 item = getattr(item, 'im_func', item) if item and isinstance(item, FunctionType): try: item._picraft_classes.add(cls) handlers_found += 1 except AttributeError: pass if not handlers_found: warnings.warn(NoHandlersWarning('no handlers found in %s' % cls)) return cls # Replace __init__ on the class with a closure that adds every instance # constructed to self._handler_instances. As this is a WeakSet, # instances that die will be implicitly removed old_init = getattr(cls, '__init__', None) def __init__(this, *args, **kwargs): if old_init: old_init(this, *args, **kwargs) self._handler_instances.add(this) if old_init: update_wrapper(__init__, old_init) cls.__init__ = __init__ return cls
def _handler_closure(self, f): def handler(event): if not f._picraft_classes: # The handler is a straight-forward function; just call it f(event) else: # The handler is an unbound method (yes, I know these don't # really exist in Python 3; it's a function which is expecting # to be called from an object instance if you like). Here we # search the set of instances of classes which were registered # as having handlers (by @has_handlers) for cls in f._picraft_classes: for inst in self._handler_instances: # Check whether the instance has the right class; note # that we *don't* use isinstance() here as we want an # exact match if inst.__class__ == cls: # Bind the function to the instance via its # descriptor f.__get__(inst, cls)(event) update_wrapper(handler, f) return handler
[docs] def on_idle(self, thread=False, multi=True): """ Decorator for registering a function/method as an idle handler. This decorator is used to mark a function as an event handler which will be called when no other event handlers have been called in an iteration of :meth:`main_loop`. The function will be called with the corresponding :class:`IdleEvent` as the only argument. Note that idle events will only be generated if :attr:`include_idle` is set to ``True``. """ def decorator(f): self._handlers.append( IdleHandler(self._handler_closure(f), thread, multi)) f._picraft_classes = set() return f return decorator
[docs] def on_player_pos(self, thread=False, multi=True, old_pos=None, new_pos=None): """ Decorator for registering a function/method as a position change handler. This decorator is used to mark a function as an event handler which will be called for any events indicating that a player's position has changed while :meth:`main_loop` is executing. The function will be called with the corresponding :class:`PlayerPosEvent` as the only argument. The *old_pos* and *new_pos* parameters can be used to specify vectors or sequences of vectors (including a :class:`~picraft.vector.vector_range`) that the player position events must match in order to activate the associated handler. For example, to fire a handler every time any player enters or walks over blocks within (-10, 0, -10) to (10, 0, 10):: from picraft import World, Vector, vector_range world = World() = world.players from_pos = Vector(-10, 0, -10) to_pos = Vector(10, 0, 10), to_pos + 1)) def in_box(event): world.say('Player %d stepped in the box' % event.player.player_id) Various effects can be achieved by combining *old_pos* and *new_pos* filters. For example, one could detect when a player crosses a boundary in a particular direction, or decide when a player enters or leaves a particular area. Note that only players specified in :attr:`track_players` will generate player position events. """ def decorator(f): self._handlers.append( PlayerPosHandler(self._handler_closure(f), thread, multi, old_pos, new_pos)) f._picraft_classes = set() return f return decorator
[docs] def on_block_hit(self, thread=False, multi=True, pos=None, face=None): """ Decorator for registering a function/method as a block hit handler. This decorator is used to mark a function as an event handler which will be called for any events indicating a block has been hit while :meth:`main_loop` is executing. The function will be called with the corresponding :class:`BlockHitEvent` as the only argument. The *pos* parameter can be used to specify a vector or sequence of vectors (including a :class:`~picraft.vector.vector_range`); in this case the event handler will only be called for block hits on matching vectors. The *face* parameter can be used to specify a face or sequence of faces for which the handler will be called. For example, to specify that one handler should be called for hits on the top of any blocks, and another should be called only for hits on any face of block at the origin one could use the following code:: from picraft import World, Vector world = World(), 0, 0)) def origin_hit(event): world.say('You hit the block at the origin')"y+") def top_hit(event): world.say('You hit the top of a block at %d,%d,%d' % event.pos) The *thread* parameter (which defaults to ``False``) can be used to specify that the handler should be executed in its own background thread, in parallel with other handlers. Finally, the *multi* parameter (which only applies when *thread* is ``True``) specifies whether multi-threaded handlers should be allowed to execute in parallel. When ``True`` (the default), threaded handlers execute as many times as activated in parallel. When ``False``, a single instance of a threaded handler is allowed to execute at any given time; simultaneous activations are ignored (but not queued, as with unthreaded handlers). """ def decorator(f): self._handlers.append( BlockHitHandler(self._handler_closure(f), thread, multi, pos, face)) f._picraft_classes = set() return f return decorator
[docs] def on_chat_post(self, thread=False, multi=True, message=None): """ Decorator for registering a function/method as a chat event handler. This decorator is used to mark a function as an event handler which will be called for events indicating a chat message was posted to the world while :meth:`main_loop` is executing. The function will be called with the corresponding :class:`ChatPostEvent` as the only argument. .. note:: Only the Raspberry Juice server generates chat events; Minecraft Pi Edition does not support this event type. The *message* parameter can be used to specify a string or regular expression; in this case the event handler will only be called for chat messages which match this value. For example:: import re from picraft import World, Vector world = World()"hello world") def echo(event): world.say("Hello player %d!" % event.player.player_id)"teleport_me \d+,\d+,\d+")) def teleport(event): x, y, z = event.message[len("teleport_me "):].split(",") event.player.pos = Vector(int(x), int(y), int(z)) The *thread* parameter (which defaults to ``False``) can be used to specify that the handler should be executed in its own background thread, in parallel with other handlers. Finally, the *multi* parameter (which only applies when *thread* is ``True``) specifies whether multi-threaded handlers should be allowed to execute in parallel. When ``True`` (the default), threaded handlers execute as many times as activated in parallel. When ``False``, a single instance of a threaded handler is allowed to execute at any given time; simultaneous activations are ignored (but not queued, as with unthreaded handlers). """ def decorator(f): self._handlers.append( ChatPostHandler(self._handler_closure(f), thread, multi, message)) f._picraft_classes = set() return f return decorator
class EventHandler(object): """ This is an internal object used to associate event handlers with their activation restrictions. The *action* parameter specifies the function to be run when a matching event is received from the server. The *thread* parameter specifies whether the *action* will be launched in its own background thread. If *multi* is ``False``, then the :meth:`execute` method will ensure that any prior execution has finished before launching another one. """ def __init__(self, action, thread, multi): self.action = action self.thread = thread self.multi = multi self._thread = None def execute(self, event): """ Launches the *action* in a background thread if necessary. If required, this method also ensures threaded actions don't overlap. """ if self.thread: if self.multi: threading.Thread(target=self._execute_handler, args=(event,)).start() elif not self._thread: self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._execute_single, args=(event,)) self._thread.start() else: self._execute_handler(event) def _execute_single(self, event): try: self._execute_handler(event) finally: self._thread = None def _execute_handler(self, event): self.action(event) def matches(self, event): """ Tests whether or not *event* match all the filters for the handler that this object represents. """ raise NotImplementedError class PlayerPosHandler(EventHandler): """ This class associates a handler with a player-position event. Constructor parameters are similar to the parent class, :class:`EventHandler` but additionally include *old_pos* and *new_pos* to specify the vectors (or sequences of vectors) that an event must transition across in order to activate this action. These filters must both match in order for the action to fire. """ def __init__(self, action, thread, multi, old_pos, new_pos): super(PlayerPosHandler, self).__init__(action, thread, multi) self.old_pos = old_pos self.new_pos = new_pos def matches(self, event): return ( isinstance(event, PlayerPosEvent) and self.matches_pos(self.old_pos, event.old_pos) and self.matches_pos(self.new_pos, event.new_pos)) def matches_pos(self, test, pos): if test is None: return True if isinstance(test, Vector): return test == pos.floor() if isinstance(test, Container): return pos.floor() in test raise TypeError( "%r is not a valid position test; expected Vector or " "sequence of Vector" % test) class BlockHitHandler(EventHandler): """ This class associates a handler with a block-hit event. Constructor parameters are similar to the parent class, :class:`EventHandler` but additionally include *pos* to specify the vector (or sequence of vectors) which an event must match in order to activate this action, and *face* to specify the block face (or set of faces) which an event must match. These filters must both match in order for the action to fire. """ def __init__(self, action, thread, multi, pos, face): super(BlockHitHandler, self).__init__(action, thread, multi) self.pos = pos if isinstance(face, bytes): face = face.decode('ascii') self.face = face def matches(self, event): return ( isinstance(event, BlockHitEvent) and self.matches_pos(event.pos) and self.matches_face(event.face)) def matches_pos(self, pos): if self.pos is None: return True if isinstance(self.pos, Vector): return self.pos == pos if isinstance(self.pos, Container): return pos in self.pos raise TypeError( "%r is not a valid position test; expected Vector or " "sequence of Vector" % pos) def matches_face(self, face): if self.face is None: return True if isinstance(self.face, str): return self.face == face if isinstance(self.face, Container): return face in self.face raise TypeError( "%r is not a valid face test; expected string or sequence " "of strings" % face) class ChatPostHandler(EventHandler): """ This class associates a handler with a chat-post event. Constructor parameters are similar to the parent class, :class:`EventHandler` but additionally include *message* to specify the message that an event must contain in order to activate this action. """ def __init__(self, action, thread, multi, message): super(ChatPostHandler, self).__init__(action, thread, multi) if isinstance(message, bytes): message = message.decode('ascii') self.message = message def matches(self, event): return ( isinstance(event, ChatPostEvent) and self.matches_message(event.message)) def matches_message(self, message): if self.message is None: return True if isinstance(self.message, str): return self.message == message try: return self.message.match(message) except AttributeError: raise TypeError( "%r is not a valid message test; expected string" "or regular expression" % message) class IdleHandler(EventHandler): """ This class associates a handler with an idle event. """ def matches(self, event): return isinstance(event, IdleEvent)